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I'm Liz

Photographer for all you chill, laidback types



Overwhelmed at the prospect of it all. Feeling my inner introvert shy away at the thought of all those people.

My husband and I decided to ditch everything that didn’t work for us and share our vows in a quiet ceremony in Key West with twelve of our closest friends and family. Sixteen years later, I don’t regret a single moment.


And I truly believe you won’t regret listening to your heart and planning an event that feels perfect for YOU. 


Living with intention every day


As your photographer, that means I put thought into each detail. Even down to the equipment I choose. By only bringing what I need instead of lugging around extra stuff, I keep your experience relaxed and easy. That means I can go where you want, when you want.


The result is naturally beautiful images that don’t disrupt your experience.

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Motherhood helped me rediscover photography

I felt such joy documenting our family life. And I wanted to help others experience the joy of seeing genuine images that represented their real, messy, beautiful life.  Yet when I considered weddings, I found so many big events were missing that real, authentic feeling. It was an absolute a-ha! moment when I realized there were cool couples out there planning deeply meaningful weddings. Now I can't imagine not being a wedding photographer. 




How I spend my free time

We retired our pop-up “Old Campy” in 2022 and purchased land in Mt. Vernon, ME. We're looking forward to building cabins in 2023 to enjoying Long Pond and the other lakes of the Belgrade Region. 


I love to travel. A few of my favourite experiences include having tea with Bedouins in the Sinai, off-roading in Iceland, walking the catacombs beneath Paris, and weathering a hurricane in a stone carriage house in IrelandI


At home I love poking around in the dirt planting flowers and veggies and practicing meditation. 


In the winter, I'm curled up with a cup of coffee by the fire with a book or watching my kids rip down the slopes. The quiet season is when I rest and sharpen my skills in photography through education. 


I live my life the same way I approach my photography... 

           simple, natural, not overly produced

I approach my craft with focus and sharp skill, but I’m just not the sort of person to believe that my way is the only way. I want us both to build a relationship of trust and understanding, and that begins with listening to your desires for your photography.


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